Jordan Ogren

May 23, 2021

Weekly Book Review <> Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount

Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount <> 7.1/10

Those who prospect through multiple channels survive. Those who rely on one method of prospecting die a quick death. Keeping your pipeline full is a direct result of how well you prospected 30 days ago.

I respect sales.

As a marketer, I see the enormous value salespeople bring. And that's why I wanted to begin improving my sales acumen.

And what better place to start than prospecting.

Prospecting is the IV that pumps money into a business. Without it, every company eventually takes its last breath.

And that's why I would highly recommend this book to anyone in business.

3️⃣ main takeaways from the book:

1 <> The three core laws of prospecting

I. The Universal Law of Need
- The more you need something, the less likely it is that you will get it

II. The 30-Day Rule
- The prospecting you do in this 30-day period will pay off for the next 90 days.

III. The Law of Replacement
- You must constantly be pushing new opportunities in your pipeline so that you're replacing the opportunities that will naturally fall out.

2 <> Be clear on your objective for prospecting—four core prospecting objectives 

  1. Set an appointment
  2. Gather information and qualify
  3. Close a sale
  4. Build familiarity

3 <> Bridge solutions to your prospect's problems

- Selling is not about YOU. Give your prospect a bridge—a "because"—to do business with you that's tied to their problem/concerns.

2️⃣ Quotes:

"The foundation of a winning prospecting strategy is balance." 

"Their is only one technique that really works for getting what you want on a prospecting touch: Ask." 

1️⃣ Question:

Is your prospecting (marketing) balanced?

🧠 // JO