Jordan Ogren

September 1, 2021

The only reliable path to winning the content game

While we may disagree on political or religious topics, 99% of us will agree on this:

There is enough content in the world. 

Ten years ago, that wasn’t the case. Then came HubSpot who remodeled marketing to include content marketing

They pioneered blogs, SEO, and a focus on quantity (covering every subject possible).

While what they did was a net positive for the marketing world, it has created a few problems that didn’t exist before.

Content overload is one of those downstream problems. And it’s a bigger problem for companies who are just now strapping up their shoes for the content game.

“Should we cover basic topics that have over 100+ articles covering them? Where do we start!?”

I see three ways to win in most areas of life and content marketing; click here to read my short article on the three ways to win in content and life.

As a refresher, the three avenues to winning are:
  1. Be the first (timing)
  2. Be the fastest (efficiency)
  3. Be the best (quality)

When you start creating content, it’s almost impossible to be the fastest. You need time to set up the infrastructure that enables efficiency.

Maybe you struck gold and want to begin creating content on a new platform (TikTok/Clubhouse). This might pay off as you could be one of the first to stand out on the platform.

But if you want to leverage Facebook or LinkedIn for your content, #1 is out of the window. So that leaves being the fastest and the best as the only two options to win the content game.

If you remember the problem that arose after HubSpot created the content marketing category—too much content—you realize there is only one trustworthy avenue to win with content: Being the best.

“It’s harder than ever to be first or faster, but the incentive to be better is the greatest it’s ever been.” — Ryan Law of Animalz.

Expecting to create the highest quality content at the start is unreasonable. But by prioritizing and working towards high-quality content, you can position yourself for long-term content success.

Enough talking; I know you’re wondering how to create the “best” content.

While the quality of content is somewhat subjective, there is an objective component to it.

That objective component is the amount of new information or unique insights that you deliver in your content.

Anyone can put out a blog on “What is profitability and how to increase it.” But few can detail their unique perspective on how chiropractic practices can improve profitability through lean practices.

There is a ton of nuance in creating high-quality content, which I will discuss in future posts. An example is creating content around generic topics (increasing profitability) for specific audiences (Chiropractic business owners who are using lean business practices). 

For now, I want you to realize the problem that content marketing has created (content overload) and the three avenues you can take to win the content game.

Which avenue will you take?

🧠 // JO