Jordan Ogren

November 5, 2021

I bet you noticed...

Hey there!

Before I share what I think you're aware of, I want to thank you for being here. It's insane that 60ish people are on this journey with us. 

I'm grateful you're reading this.

Now, onto the thing you're waiting for: I know you've noticed my new content schedule. Wait...

You haven't? Lol.

I'm messing with you. Sometimes content creators can get too me focused (e.g., new podcast episode!). So, to help me avoid that, I joke about it.

But seriously, I have started a new schedule for this daily email.

I know you desperately want to know the why behind this new schedule (Again, joking).

I have put structure into this daily email for 3 reasons:
  1. I cover three core topics (marketing, writing, life), but you may only prefer two or one of them. Giving you a schedule empowers you to choose when you want to read my content.
  2. It makes it easier for me. By having a weekly schedule, content creation becomes quicker.
  3. It provides a baseline that I can use when iterating on my content in the future to bring you the most value. If a specific day receives extra love, I know to double down on that topical area or type of content. Essentially, you will help create the schedule (through our feedback loop: replies and engagement).

Now you're probably dying to hear the schedule. Well, let me get your casket, cause here it is:
  • Monday // Marketing lesson (Marketing focused)
  • Tuesday // Content Rewrite (Marketing and writing focused)
  • Wednesday // Writing lesson (Writing focused)
  • Thursday // Throwback Thursday Ad Rewrite (Marketing and writing focused)
  • Friday // Life lesson (Life focused)

I like that it allows me to expand on topics theoretically (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and then use the lessons learned in actionable content (Tuesday and Thursday).

I'm open and yearning for your opinion on making this the best daily email to help people improve HOW they think about marketing, writing, and life.

I look forward to your feedback, have a fantastic weekend, and see you on Monday, friend. ✌🏼

🧠 + ❤️ // JO