J. Martin

March 8, 2021

Hello Void!

Some of you may have noticed that I have a new* email address j.martin@hey.com. Essentially, HEY.com is a paid webmail service. But you get an incredible amount of mileage out of your bucks, trust me! Remember how I always told you, use messaging, don’t send me emails? That’s history. Email’s become fun again! So don’t shy away any longer from writing me any.

HEY just released HEY World, the most simple speedblogging tool you can imagine, similar to Posterous, which essentially got shut down by Twitter in 2013.

Now, when I send my posts via email to world@hey.com, you can read them on the web at world.hey.com/j.martin; or you can subscribe to them as an email newsletter; or you can pipe them as a feed into your RSS reader. It’s that simple.

And what will I use it for?

Once a week, sometimes Fridays, sometimes on the weekend, I will summarize a few things that have happened along that week; link to blog posts and images and other stuff I’ve posted on the web; and pontificate a bit on games you should play, books you might want to read, podcast you don’t want to miss, and wholesome things on the web in general that you can enjoy.

Looking forward, after a rather lengthy hiatus, to be more active again—write more, publish more, and not spend my whole time on Twitter.


*betweendrafts@googlemail.com is still on, of course, for GoogleDocs, GoogleDrive, and other collaborative stuff, as well as my archive.