Lukas Lau

July 2, 2021


Hi! Lukas Lau runs the show here, and I post every once in awhile about ideas, tech and whatever’s on my mind.

Born in 1997 and grew up in Germany. Spent most of my childhood around soccer. Had a great time in high school and later in law school. Dropped out after 2 years to work on my own projects.

Tough sell to the family because results aren't always as tangible as being a law student and receiving grades. But looking back, that was a good decision.

I'm currently full time on Timeline and Superstaff where I'm responsible for design and programming. 

Timeline is a news app, trying to build a calmer alternative to the loud 24h news cycle. Superstaff is a platform for music tour staff people, trying to make it easier to hire and get hired. 

Some of my earlier projects include: 

LLM - A freelance business around sports and concert photography. Tried to bring the "Instagram-filter" look to the event industry, where at the time most photographers took their photos as they would only be used for printed newspapers, e.g not editing the colours to make them pop on digital devices / social media. I wanted to bring some young energy. Did this for years and loved it until covid basically crushed it.

Lensmap - My first tech project. Attempted to build a platform where photographers get jobs. Couldn't get it to work because I lacked the understanding of programming. Therefore made a bunch of stupid feature decisions and product timelines and couldn't communicate clearly to my developer team.

Presence - My second tech project. Attempted to build a service for concerts. The idea was to stop these phone oceans in the crowds where everybody seemed to be recording all the time. And provide an app where people can go after the show and download all the photos and videos from their area, for free. This time, I had a functioning prototype (I picked up programming during covid and could now build my own apps! Hooray!) but couldn't get it to work because I lacked the industry experience / network. Therefore failed to make the business model work. All in all, seemed like the problem I was trying to solve, wasn't as big of a headache as I initially thought. 


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