Phil Sorrell

March 4, 2021

This makes so much sense.

For the last few months years I have been idly pondering having somewhere on the web where I can post idle musings, excitments and successes - not for likes but just because.

Social media was out - I quit everything Facebook owned a while back and I barely use Twitter nowadays. It still has a spark of joy but it is buried deep amongst the self promotion and the angst.

Blogging is also so complicated. Not technically - I build complex web stuff for a living remember, but just effort vs reward. I just want to post stuff without worrying about domains, spam, upgrades and plugins. At one point I even considered some kind of handcoded simple solution, but even that seemed too much effort.

And then along came Hey World. I am already a massive fan of Hey as an email solution - it has made my personal email a joy again, but Hey World is an unexpected benefit. All I need to do to share my mundane thoughts is send an email and 💥, it gets posted onto a simple blog.


Thanks Hey.

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