Phil Sorrell

June 10, 2021

Board game plays - May 2021

For the last month or so I have started logging my board game plays for .. reasons.. Anyway I thought it might be therapeutic (and possibly mildly interesting) to document the last month's worth of plays.

Top of the list was - unsurprisingly Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island. I am trying to complete each initial scenario solo before adding bonuses from Treasure Chest or Mystery Tales but I am stuck on Cannibal Island. Being eaten alive and related deaths on the scenario account for 6 of the 9 plays.

2nd on the list was Red Rising - I really enjoy this game and had a few family and solo plays, as well as a game online. I recently re-read the books which adds to the enjoyment of the game as the characters appear from the deck.

3rd was War of The Ring - my 10 year old's (child 2) choice of birthday present. Despite being an epic game, I managed 3 plays - the first was learning how to play with child 2, but the second was full out war against her. She played a good game as the shadow player and ultimately took advantage of my weakly defended dwarven and elven realms to take the win.  Game 3 was very unsatisfactory - despite dominating the world as the free people (my 8 year old (child 1) was happy mustering in strongholds and not attacking), I lost on the last step before the cracks of doom as he kept putting more dice in the hunt box than I could handle in corruption. After sulking for a few hours I re-read the rules and spotted he should only be putting dice upto the number of the fellowship (which at that point was just Golum, Frodo and Sam), so I feel more positive towards the game at this point.


4th= was Coup, A Game of Thrones - Hand of the King and Prehistory. Coup is a quick little filler game that often features highly. Hand of the King was a new purchase this month and is also a lot of fun. For a simple game there is a surprising amount of tactics involved in the game. Prehistory is another new game - an impulse buy as it was on sale and the bloke in the one review I watched said it was his favourite game ever. And it is good - I really like it. The mechanics are elegant and there is so much that is engaging as you try and find the best path to maximising victory points. I am slightly frustrated that there is a solo mode but it was only available as part of the original kickstarter campaign.

7th= was Carcassonne, Everdell, Mice and Mystics (we are trying to get the campaign finished so we can start Sleeping Gods!), Perudo and Yatzee - mostly all games picked via my random boardgame picker.

Despite a slow start there were more games played in May than April - 49 vs 47.