Phil Sorrell

July 4, 2021

Board game plays - June 2021

Here is a summary of the board games I played the most during June.


Top of the list is the fantastic Imperium Classics with 10 plays. I love this game - whether it is playing solo against the clever bot or against my kids. It is so elegant and clever, as well as massively replayable. I also bought Imperium Legends, although that only got a single play as I instead tried out the different civiisations from Classics. The game scratches my Civ itch whilst not being a massive civilisation games with a ton of components.

Number 2 was Root with 7 plays - another new game this month that the kids decided to club together to buy. As there are 4 factions that each play very differently, I have been playing various combinations with the whole family (4 players) and just the kids (3 players). I enjoy playing the game, but I can also see some of the issues people have with the game.

Next up is yet another new game - The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine with 6 plays (well sessions) - a neat little collaborative trick taking game. It is simple to teach (even to kids who have never played a trick taking game before) yet is very tactical. The twist is that players can only communicate with each other once per game (mostly) and even then in limited ways - I think it will really help the kids learn to think ahead and plan more in games.

4th on the list is RATS: High Tea at Sea with 4 plays. This is a roll and write party game designed to be played over Zoom. It is simple and surprisingly fun and the kids love it.

In 5th place is yet another new game - Lost Valley: The Yukon Goldrush 1896 with 3 plays. I bought this game to scratch my itch for a exploration game (to replicate the joy at the start of a Civ game where you revesal the land around you as you explore). This verison of the game as apparantly not as good as the original (and the rule book is not ideal) but I enjoyed playing it and look forward to more plays in the future.

It has definately been a month of new board games!

Other things to note:

Century: Golem Edition got a couple of plays which was nice - it is a fun simple game with beautiful artwork.

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island only got a single play as I was stuck on Cannibal Island - but I did finally complete it so I am looking forward to moving on with the next scenario (Swiss Family Robinson I think).

Another new game this month was Sprawlopolis (and its sequel) - it arrived at the end of the month though so not too many plays.