Jim Ritchie

April 6, 2021

Invent, create, deliver

After three interesting years, I've recently handed over a large programme of work as it's approaching the inflection point of being able to deliver some really exciting results.

On the surface this seems like an odd decision ("...you've worked so hard at this for the last few years"), and one I thought I'd find hard. Actually I'm delighted. 

This isn't to do with the programme (which I think is fantastic), nor anything as mundane as finance or resource constraints (both of which are in a good place). The reason I'm  happy is that this means the hard work that I and others have put in will pay off.

Delivery is hard and delivery in the NHS is even harder and there are people who can do this bit better than me.

Some people can create and communicate a vision. Some people who can shape this into an idea that can work in practice. Then there are people who can take these ideas and make them a reality. All of these skill sets are needed to create change in healthcare but very few (if any) people are expert in all three areas. Our personal skills and experience put the majority of us in one or two groups at most. 
Knowing where our ability to be fully effective starts and stops (and being open about this) is critical to doing a good job and having a satisfying job.

The last three years have taught me an immense amount with perhaps the most important lesson being to focus on where you do and don't add value in large scale pieces of work. Pride in something doesn't have to come from taking it start to finish, but also comes from taking it as far as you can and then passing over to a set of hands more suited for the next effort.
