Dean Clough

July 8, 2021

Portico Darwin: Cookbook Volume II!

In response to the deafening clamor from exactly nobody, I give you the eagerly anticipated (also by exactly nobody) next edition:  Portico Darwin:  The Cookbook Volume II.

You can view and download the Cookbook at the link; it will take 15 pages if you print it out.

If I don't mind saying so (and you know I don't), it's another winner, full of our favorites.  And this time around, maybe even my conservative readers will give it a go, as none of the recipes are from The New York Times!  And if the news itself gets you down, there's even a cocktail recipe (for my favorite drink, BTW).  Enjoy.

And of course, don't forget the now-classic first volume:  Portico Darwin:  The Cookbook Volume I

I hope you'll try a recipe, from either Cookbook, sometime soon - and let me know if it was Cookbook-worthy.

P.S.  If you lose this email, are starving, and have somehow lost all of your other cookbooks, do recall that both of my Cookbook volumes and so much more is at Portico Darwin:  The Website!


About Dean Clough