Devon Thome

January 10, 2022

Blockchain Games: Consumers don't care

New games are popping up that run on blockchain tech faster than they can get funded. So they're all over - and they all promise the same insane vision of creating a thriving ecosystem for THEIR virtual assets and ecosystem - oh, which is SO MUCH BETTER than that other game that came out 42 seconds before.

They'll tell you day and night why their ecosystem has the cooler way of handling multi-threaded architecture in a decentralized environment and how THEY support more wallet providers than the other guy. It also lets you earn free tokens from specific beta partners- just stop.

The fundamental miss that almost every one of these games forgets is, arguably, the most critical part of building a game: consumer and gamer appeal. If you're neglecting game design to pave the new ground with a technology that doesn't have general audience appeal yet, because you'll get the interest after proving the tech - you're missing the mark. 

Players have been playing World of Warcraft for almost two decades now. This title is a direct example of a world that takes everything away from you if you stop paying your subscription for one month. The entire virtual world, the hours you've played, and the items you worked so hard for - all gone if you decide Game Time isn't part of your budget for the month. Similar can be said for thousands of other titles, especially in the online multiplayer space. Roblox - the most arguably similar Web 3 platform without being Web 3 - is the same. You have users paying thousands for avatar items that will never be able to leave the platform.

So why would your primary sales pitch for your new blockchain game be based on interoperability and open access? It's not a pain point a majority of users care about - or even understand. As much as I love the vision, you need to start from the ground with them. The consumers and gamers who will become your game's biggest fans don't - and probably don't care to - understand your 100+ page whitepaper on how YOU handle asset storage differently. 

Build a fun game. Create something sticky. Make the gaming news sites love you - and the rest will follow. 

The target users for blockchain games don't care about blockchain.

About Devon Thome

Gaming & Tech + everything in between