Jordan Ogren

March 8, 2022

The number one question to answer when marketing <> CR13

WIIFM? Do you know that acronym?

WIIFM = What's in it for me?

It's the question I ask myself consistently when writing or marketing, not for myself, but for my customer.

You need to address that question and be specific about what's in it for the reader or customer.

Today's ad shows us what it looks like when you fail to answer this question.

What I like about this ad:
  • The art (creative) is well done and fits the copy
  • The ad targets a semi-specific reader: B2B marketing. This is better than simply "marketing," but not much.

What I would change about this ad:
  • Address why influencer marketing is essential for B2B marketers
  • Tell me what I'm "signing up" for—explicitly tell me what the ad is for (i.e., newsletter, guide)
  • Make the CTA unique and not simply "Ready to learn about B2B influencer marketing?" Few want to learn. All want the benefits.

Here's my take on making this ad better:
My first change is to have a hook that draws in the right person. Many people believe influencer marketing is a B2C strategy and not for B2B. If you think this, you're going to keep reading.

My second change is to answer the WIIFM question (drive 200% more pipeline). That's what influencer marketing could do for you.

My third change is to discuss what the ad is about. It's to get you to sign up for our newsletter to learn influencer marketing strategies that work.

My fourth change is to make the CTA direct and desirable.
Before and After13.jpg

If you're going to spend money on LinkedIn advertising, ensure your ad is direct, desirable, and different. Without those three, you're burning money.

Do you think this ad is working, or does it need to be buffed up?

Reply and let me know!

🧠 + ❤️ // JO