KaMeek Lucas Taitt

April 2, 2022

The finality of a friendship

We’re halfway through the shoot. 

Day 41 of 81:

It’s hard to believe that the amazing people I spend 10 - 12 hours a day with, are the same individuals I’ll no longer see on a daily basis once we wrap and leave Australia. That’s the interesting thing about the film industry, you form these friendships, go through this battle together of creating something that hopefully resonates with audiences, & just like that, your time together is over. 

It also brings to mind what’s so fascinating about time. When you’re aware of how finite it is, in regards to the finality of a friendship you’ve formed that has a definitive ending date, you savor those moments and take them for granted a bit less than those who are in your life on a day to day basis for months and years at a time.

What’s your take? Do you feel like you take your daily long term relationships / friendships for granted vs the ones where you know you’ll only see them until *insert date* and then that’s the end?

About KaMeek Lucas Taitt

Film Producer / Director, an Open minded Tourist of Life. NYC to LA transplant. Currently on MERLIN & NAUTILUS for Disney.