Devon Thome

March 14, 2021

You should delete Twitter.

(From your phone, that is.)

One of my personal goals for 2020 was to use social media less. And now, in March of 2021, we're about a year into that. I've spent so much time in the creator and influencer community, so social media became a natural addiction for me. Tapping into Twitter became the first thing I did every morning, the last thing I did every night, and something I did way too much during the day. Worrying about drama people were going through, the he-said-she-said that some engaged in, and the latest trends became an obsession. 

So I deleted it from my phone, iPad and uninstalled TweetDeck on my Mac.

Don't get me wrong: Twitter is a fantastic tool. There aren't many places you can go to for real-time news, conversations, etc., that can be both a good and bad thing. By removing it from my phone, I remove the convenience of checking it so often. It's more of a chore to check into it -- like checking email. It becomes something to do by intention, not by default.

Those times I'd used to tap into Twitter and scroll endlessly have been replaced. I don't spend any of my time anymore worrying about drama, likes, or the endless negativity that pours through a feed. It's refreshing.

I encourage you to do the same.

- Devon

About Devon Thome

Gaming & Tech + everything in between