Jordan Ogren

April 8, 2022

We got a new ___!!!

Everything is personal. Not in that way.

What I mean is that everything is personalized. 

What love feels like for me is different than what it feels like for you.
What heartbreak feels like to me is different than for you.
What grief looks like for me is different than for you.

That’s a lesson I’ve learned in my short time on earth.

There is no way to do, feel, or live life. It all happens through our unique experiences.

All that to say, we got a new cat this week. 

Her name is Mylo. She only has one eye 😉.

While I won’t say Katie or I wrestled too hard on if we should get her once we met her, I did have some thoughts.

“Is it too early for us to get a new cat? It’s only been a little over a month.”

My anxiety kicked in, and I sat back. But then–with the help of friends and Reddit–I took back control.

I realized that grief is a personal journey. There is no timeline or 7 step process to get over it.

It’s stuck with you like a mole on your face. It will never “go away.” Instead, it will slowly decrease in noise.

Some people need another cat quickly to quiet the noise.
Others realize no cat will live up to their previous and forgo pets.

Both are correct.

While you may never get a cat or already have one, the lesson is still pertinent.

Never allow someone to tell you how to live your life.
Never allow someone to take away your individual decisions.

You’re on a journey that is hyper-personalized to you. No one can speak entirely to it.

While you can listen to grief experts or others who have grudgingly gone down a similar path, you can’t take their words verbatim.

You need to make the decision that best fits you. Listen to your heart, and let it guide you.

As Katie and I did with Mylo.

🧠 + ❤️ // JO

P.S. Isn't she gorgeous?

Picture of Mylo.jpg