Devon Thome

May 1, 2021

Keeping May distraction-free

A lot is going on now.

A lot more than when I usually say there's a lot.

It's manageable, and most of it is fun, but it's still time-consuming. I previously talked about how I significantly cut back on social media for 2021 (and I still do), and it's fantastic. I probably spent at most 20 minutes on socials each day over the last few months (barring some work exceptions).

But, I found I still never felt good about checking socials. There was always complaining, arguments, drama, or he-said-she-said battles. It's a lot, and with so much going on, there's no reason for me to be so involved in other people's drama. 

So today, May 1st, I'm cutting it completely. No tweeting, DMs, scrolling, or even browsing. I want to see what a month away from social media is like in 2021 and see how prioritizing my time and attention in other places treats me. Maybe I'll be super excited for June 1st to come around to check in again -- perhaps I'll forget why I ever checked it at all. 

I'll still keep Reddit for news and the like, but as I have for the past six years or so, I'll remain a lurker, not posting content.

You should do something similar. But I'll let you know how it is by Day 30. (It just may not be on Twitter.)

- Devon

About Devon Thome

Gaming & Tech + everything in between