Jodie Cook

April 25, 2022

Find your tribe by becoming your tribe

Step one: become your tribe
Figure out who you are.
Unapologetically be that person.
Do the stuff you’ve always wanted to do.
Show up and don’t censor yourself.
Step two: find your tribe
You’re now on the same frequency as your kind of people.
You become a magnet for your ideal tribe members.
You find people you align with like never before.
Because you’re doing what you love, living your truth, showing up to those things that you know are right for you, you find other people who are doing the same.
Start the business. Make the call. Ask the question. Book the trip.
Become who you want to be and your tribe will assemble as if by magic. 

About Jodie Cook

Welcome, great to have you here 👋

I'm Jodie, founder of Coachvox AI. We make AI coaches.

After selling my agency in 2021 I wrote my new book, Ten Year Career: Reimagine business, design your life, fast track your freedom.

> > > I'm now blogging directly from my website - sign up here.

These blogs are for entrepreneurs who think differently (or want to!)
Topics include mindset, lifestyle design and how to run a business without it running you.