Alex Medick

May 12, 2022

I feel a sense of urgency ⏳

I feel a sense of urgency. I can’t explain it much greater than that.

I see clearly where I want to go in life and what I want to get out of life.

I know that “time is on my side.” (I’m only 34, that’s still young AF).

“Patience,” they say.

“Bullshit,” is my response.

Yes, I’m aware of time and the need to focus on the macro, not the micro. Yes, building wealth and lifestyle slowly is underrated.

I agree with that. No, really. I do.

But there’s something inside me I can’t shake. Something that’s saying NOW is the time. 

The time to legendary things is now.

The future is calling.

As I write this (May 11, 2022), the markets and startups are in chaos.

In the chaos is where greatness can arise though.

It’s time to be legendary.


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About Alex Medick

Dad, Entrepreneur // Building INSIDE