KaMeek Lucas Taitt

June 12, 2022

Other peoples opinions of us

I was talking to some friends of mine recently about Self Worth. One thing they made me realize is we can’t tie our self worth to anyones opinion of us. 

Ultimately, how we react to others opinions also reflects on us, and our expectations from that relationship. Why give someone so much power?

We should always tell ourselves how amazing we are and truly believe that. You don’t need outside validation from others. How we feel about ourselves is what matters the most. 

Talking to you about this now is helping me re-enforce that idea personally because I tend to get lost in the sauce, but I’ve been telling myself everyday that I’m proud of how far I’ve come, I’m doing really well at work, and I’m slowly but surely getting to where I want to be. Give it a try ☺️

Do you care about what others think of you? If so, why?

About KaMeek Lucas Taitt

Film Producer / Director, an Open minded Tourist of Life. NYC to LA transplant. Currently on MERLIN & NAUTILUS for Disney.