
October 11, 2022

Overwatch 2 on Nitendo Switch

I downloaded the shiny, flashy, and free Overwatch 2 into my Switch this morning. It is actually a quick process. Download, link up Bnet account, wait it load and Tada! My past favourite shooter in my present favourite gaming console! But, still, a first person shooter with console controller? Does it work???

I've played Quake3, Counter Strike, Call of duty MW2, and most recently, Overwatch. That's all the shooters I even played. Motion sickness caught me playing these games, even Zelda Breath of the Wild made me sick for the first few rounds. For some reason I can play a few of them and not getting sick. Anyway, the point is, I played those exclusively on PC, with mouse and keyboard. I never understand how console player play shooter with thumbstick!

Today I am that console player. Played a couple of my familiar heroes in the practise range give me some idea how terrible it would be. Not gonna lie, it doesn't feels right. Moving with the left is better than keyboard ASDW. But pointing direction (or panning the camera) with the right is hard! Swinging the switch around will turn the camera too, but I don't want to knock stuff around me when I try to shoot that pesky Genji!

It is great fun though! Until I fall into the habit of sleeping my Switch when I put it down. Pick it back up and realized I disconnect from the practise range server (why do I need to connect to a server for a solo mode? Blizzard likes this stuff). Then I found myself in a 50 person queue. It's okay, I got to the front in like 5 minutes, just to got slapped with a "server error", back to a 200 person queue. 


Back to my ever grindy Civ VI it is. Civ VI will wait for me, always.

About Kuan

Web developer building with Flutter, Svelte and JavaScript. Recently fell in love with functional programming.

Malaysian. Proud Sabahan. Ex game developer but still like playing games.

New found hobby is outdoor camping with my love.