
November 1, 2022

Quietly, I made another "work mode" Linux, again.

This time, it is a Manjaro i3. I do not use this word lightly, but, I think I've got the perfect setup. Perfect.

Manjaro because I still very much in love with their package managing. AUR is simply awesome.

i3. The beauty is in the simplicity and cleaniness. Keyboard oriented too.

Thanks to my previous adventure into Sparky's i3, I came well prepared to this new Linux installation. I spend merely 2 hours starting from cleaning up my Sparky partition to running my Flutter developing build in the Manjaro i3.

Here's roughly what I did, in a rough order of events:

  1. Boot Manjaro i3 minimal Live. Install it.
  2. Spent around half hour to study and edit the default i3 configuration.
  3. Install Firefox for browsing. Not using Vivaldi like I did in my primary Manjaro.
  4. Install nnn. The best file explorer.
  5. Install Kakoune. For work and text editing.
  6. Install Kitty. My choice of terminal.
  7. Install task warrior, time warrior, todotxt, figlet. Task and time management suite.
  8. Install starship (cool prompt), git delta (cool git diff), kak-lsp (Kakoune language server).
  9. Install iwd. So that I can connect to my 2.4g WiFi.
  10. Create symbolic link for most of the configurations, working directories for these tools.
    The real copies are all in my shared partition. All my Linuxes use the same configurations.
  11. Create symbolic link for shared folders: Work, Downloads, Document, Picture, etc.
  12. Add the executables to PATH: flutter, tomo (my cli pomodoro timer)
  13. Done. I can continue working on my freelance project in a fresh, lean, keyboard-first Linux.


About Kuan

Web developer building with Flutter, Svelte and JavaScript. Recently fell in love with functional programming.

Malaysian. Proud Sabahan. Ex game developer but still like playing games.

New found hobby is outdoor camping with my love.