Dean Clough

December 23, 2022

Portico Darwin: An Atheist's Christmas


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A proud atheist, in fact.  But - and let me be clear - I really don't care what you believe or don't believe.  Are you fair?  Honest?  Grateful?  Curious?  Fun?  Productive?  GOOD ENOUGH!  Please continue with your patronage of your synagogue, church, mosque or whatever it might be.  I am 100% on board with anything that makes you happy, and - get this:  it's not my business in the first place. 

But of course it works both ways, so please don't hate me at Christmas or ever because I'm an atheist.

And I like to trumpet sacrilege like this every year as kind of a gag because, in fact, I love Christmas.  It's true.  I am like most everyone else in that I can't get enough of the spirit that is factually in the air right now.

On to perhaps the true meaning of Christmas.  Mercedes Benz's for Christmas for everyone?

No, to this atheist, the true meaning of Christmas is peace

And from what I've read, I believe Jesus Christ would be just fine with that.

This past Monday, I visited the interesting Cooper Hewitt Design Museum, a part of The Smithsonian Institution, located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  Currently, they are featuring an exhibit called "Designing Peace", and I thought it is just the right material for today.  For believers and non-believers alike. 

I hope you'll take a few quiet moments this holiday weekend and consider its message.  Here is a link to the original photo if this is difficult to read.

I wish you an extremely Merry Christmas.  Thank you for being my friend or family or reader or whatever you are - I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read what I write here.  We land late at night on Christmas, so it's likely you can enjoy a quiet Boxing Day.  But there's a massive Metro NYC Travel Guide coming, and I'll be back Wednesday.

Much love from glorious Hoboken.



Always with his finger firmly on the pulse of urbanity, the Healdsburg hibernator Hunter Deuce shared this.

I came across this guy's YouTube channel and he's pretty good, IMO:

CityNerd 10 Most Improved Cities

It's good to see I'm not the only one obsessed with this kind of thing - thanks, Hunter. 

(Inside tip for you and Fi:  don't miss the divey John & Zeke's Bar & Grill in between your myriad spa treatments and wine flights.)

Thank you to any one that is reading this newsletter.


Are you f'ing kidding me?  It's even a high res FLAC download, for Christ's (ha!) sake. 

Here, on easily the single finest holiday recording ever produced, is Vince Guaraldi and his beyond-Diamond Certified masterpiece A Charlie Brown Christmas.

Fun Fact:  I get choked up at least 50% of the time upon hearing either version of "Christmas Time is Here".  I think I said the same thing last year.  And the year before.  Etc. 

About Dean Clough