John Topley

February 23, 2023

AI will kill the Web as we know it

Like many people I have been playing with ChatGPT lately. Like most programmers I am inherently lazy.

I needed to create a user and a group in Linux and add the user to the group. This is a very simple task I only need to do once in a blue moon. If I needed to do it regularly I would go to the trouble of automating it.

There are countless websites that show how to accomplish this basic task. However, I asked ChatGPT and it gave me the two commands I needed. Note that by this point I am already taking for granted that it will give me a decent answer.

On this occasion what struck me the most was how pleasant the experience was. There were no adverts cluttering up the page, no annoying videos playing, no stupid popups or cookie warnings getting in the way. It was just my question and the answer, presented in a clean and clear way. You might say it was like the Web used to be.

This led me to the next obvious thought, which was why would I ever need to visit those types of websites ever again when I can have this better experience? Why would anyone?

The conclusion I reached was that soon it’s entirely possible that a great many websites will simply become part of the great data corpus that AIs are trained with and might never be visited directly in significant numbers by humans.

I’m not sure how I feel about that, but I do know that the Web seems a pretty miserable and user-hostile place today. I wonder how soon it will be before AI websites get plastered with ads and stupid videos?