KaMeek Lucas Taitt

August 15, 2023

Thinking about the future

Has me reading about the past

I’m reading a book called Abundance Through Scarcity by Ioni Appelberg, and here’s a quote regarding Roman Collesiums that I found so interesting:

“Romans, by comparison, possessed both the materials and engineering acumen to construct structures of unmatched resiliency. They harnessed technologies that, from today’s perspective, seem almost miraculous. One such example is their development of self-healing concrete, capable of mending cracks and maintaining structural stability over time. Roman concrete, or opus caementicium, was a durable and long-lasting building material that stands as one of their most significant and underrated achievements.”

Based on my understanding and please correct me if I’m wrong, self healing concrete isn’t something we’re using today as the method to create it got lost with the fall of the Roman Empire, which is incredibly unfortunate.

This has me thinking about what actions can I do today, that will build a strong enough foundation for my family 50 - 100 years into the future? A family that I’ll never meet, but I want my actions today, to benefit them.

Whether it’s saving in the hardest money ever created, or building a future home that’s built to last. It’s easier said than done, but I’m going into everything with the mindset that I want to build things that stand the test of time.

Even when it comes to purchasing everyday items like clothes or things for the kitchen, I feel like creating or buying well made things that we could potentially give to friends or family decades from now is so cool.

What do you think?


About KaMeek Lucas Taitt

Film Producer / Director, an Open minded Tourist of Life. NYC to LA transplant. Currently on MERLIN & NAUTILUS for Disney.