Geoffrey Moffett

August 18, 2023

The Creator Economy: Time to Shift the Spotlight

Grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that's your thing) and dive into today's topic: the 'Creator Economy'.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "Oh, not another post about influencers making millions on TikTok!" But hold onto your hats because we're about to flip this narrative on its head.


When we talk about the 'Creator Economy', our minds instantly go to those social media celebs with millions of followers, the entertaining, the engaging, the glamorous. And sure, they've done some pretty cool stuff. They've turned their passions into profits, their hobbies into hustles. But let's be honest, how many of us can do a backflip while playing the ukulele? Or have the time to create picture-perfect, drool-worthy avocado toast every morning? Exactly!

So, while these 'creator-entertainers' deserve their share of the limelight, they might not be the best role models for small business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs. Because the truth is, the 'Creator Economy' isn't just about viral dance routines or aesthetically pleasing flat lays. It's so much more than that.

And that brings us to the unsung heroes of the creator economy - the 'creator-educators'. You know who I'm talking about - those YouTube wizards who taught you how to change a flat tire, the LinkedIn gurus who helped you ace your job interview, and the podcasters who made learning about quantum physics feel like a breezy chat over coffee.

These folks aren't just creating content; they're creating value. They're transforming education, one video, blog post, and podcast at a time. They're leveraging the power of the internet to share knowledge, inspire learning, to make education accessible to anyone with a WiFi connection.

And here's the kicker - they're not just competing with traditional media but challenging formal education. 

They're giving colleges and universities a run for their money because why pay thousands for a degree when you can learn the same skills online, at your own pace, for a fraction of the cost?

So, if you're a small business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur looking to tap into the 'Creator Economy', don't just look at the entertainers. Look at the educators. Learn from them. Be inspired by them. Because they're proof that you don't need to do backflips or make beautiful avocado toast to succeed in the 'Creator Economy'.

You only need passion, knowledge, and the desire to share it with the world. 

So, go out there and create something unique! Because in the 'Creator Economy', everyone has something valuable to offer. And who knows? The next big thing isn't a viral dance routine but a tutorial on balancing a spreadsheet or brewing the perfect cup of coffee.

Remember, it's not about following trends but creating value. And that's where the true potential of the 'Creator Economy' lies. 

Let's start shifting the spotlight.

About Geoffrey Moffett

Hey!  I'm Geoffrey and right now 110% of my time is focused on building Triovia, a digital and social media marketing education company.  

In this small part of the internet I blog about thoughts, stories and ideas.