Jorge Manrubia

November 27, 2023

Demo of how page refreshes with morphing work

This article was originally published in the 37signals dev blog.

We published a demo showing how Page Refreshes with morphing work in Turbo 8.

Comparing code helps a lot in software discussions, so I thought it would be valuable to show how the new feature compares to Turbo stream actions for performing partial updates and broadcasts. Notice that page refreshes don’t deprecate stream actions – which remain Turbo’s most responsive mechanism, but they should reduce the need to use those. And this is a good thing because stream actions are costly.

There is a companion GitHub repository for the demo. You can check:

Last week, we released the first beta of Turbo 8 featuring this new system. We want to make this robust, so please give it a try and report issues away.

You can learn more about the new feature in the announcement post. We will document the new system in the official docs soon.

About Jorge Manrubia

A programmer who writes about software development and many other topics. I work at 37signals.