Geoffrey Moffett

December 6, 2023

AI as a Revolution, Not a Threat to the Writing Industry

It's a widespread belief that conventional professions, like the highly regarded writing profession, are in danger from artificial intelligence (AI).

Since AI is advancing in many areas and replacing human labour with automated systems, there is reason for concern. However, AI should not be seen as a job killer in writing but as a priceless instrument that can increase authors' productivity and creativity.


AI: An Enemy or a Helper?

For many, the notion of a machine recording thoughts and feelings is unsettling. Writing is, after all, a distinctly human activity that arises from our individual experiences and feelings. The truth is, however, that artificial intelligence exists to assist writers—not to displace them. It's time to change our minds and regard AI as an ally rather than a threat.

Artificial Intelligence and Writing Efficiency

The efficiency that AI offers to the writing profession is one of its main advantages. With artificial intelligence (AI), time-consuming but necessary tasks like editing, proofreading, and fact-checking can be automated. By using AI algorithms to find grammatical mistakes, enhance sentence structure, and recommend better word choices, editing tools like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor drastically reduce the time needed for editing.

Because of their enhanced efficiency, authors can devote more of their time to the three essential components of writing that are not automatable: creativity, strategic thinking, and storytelling. AI tools are a massive help to content makers who have to produce a lot of content in a short amount of time.

Examples from the Real World: AI Increasing Productivity and Quality

Numerous well-known magazines and content producers have already adopted AI and experienced noticeable increases in their output. For example, The Washington Post employs an AI system called Heliograf to provide brief updates and reports, allowing their journalists to concentrate on longer, more in-depth pieces. Similarly, Automated Insights' Wordsmith is used by Associated Press to automate the creation of their earnings reports, resulting in a tenfold boost in output.

AI composition helper Another outstanding example is Jasper. It supports authors by producing imaginative and captivating content, guaranteeing that inspiration never fails. Additionally, it searches the web for up-to-date information, improving the content's relevancy and accuracy.

Accepting AI: The Future of Writing

Writing professionals must embrace artificial intelligence (AI) as a necessary tool as we advance in this digital era. Writers should use AI to increase their creativity and productivity rather than see it threatening their work line. AI frees up authors to concentrate on what they do best: creating gripping stories and meaningfully interacting with their audience.

AI is bringing about a revolution in the writing business that intends to empower writers rather than replace them. So, let's welcome this shift and see what kind of impact our words can have!

About Geoffrey Moffett

Hey!  I'm Geoffrey and right now 110% of my time is focused on building Triovia, a digital and social media marketing education company.  

In this small part of the internet I blog about thoughts, stories and ideas.