Geoffrey Moffett

January 3, 2024

The Liberating Art of Getting Lost on Purpose

In a fast-paced world obsessed with destination, the concept of being 'lost on purpose' provides a liberating viewpoint.


This concept questions the commonly held belief that being 'lost' is a negative state. Instead, it celebrates ambiguity and experimentation. You're not genuinely lost when you're lost on purpose; you're on a path of discovery.

Choosing to be lost on purpose means focusing on the trip rather than the destination. It's a conscious act of roaming, not aimlessly, but with an open mind to new experiences. This method switches the emphasis from achieving a certain goal to appreciating the experiences and insights gained along the road.

Being lost on purpose is a reflection of life itself. We are often so focused on certain goals that we overlook the delight and progress in the unexpected. By purposely deviating from the road, we learn to appreciate detours and to value the journey as much as the destination.

Being lost on purpose is, in essence, an invitation to explore life with curiosity and embrace the unknown with joy. It's a reminder that sometimes the best discoveries come from unexpected directions.

About Geoffrey Moffett

Hey!  I'm Geoffrey and right now 110% of my time is focused on building Triovia, a digital and social media marketing education company.  

In this small part of the internet I blog about thoughts, stories and ideas.