Alex Medick

March 8, 2021

Surfing Rules for Life and Business

When I read a book, I try and take down notes and key takeaways to revisit at a later time. This morning, I was going through an old notebook and came across these notes I took on Surfing Rules for Life and Business, taken from Guy Kawasaki's 2019 book, Wise Guy: Lessons From A Life. In Kawasaki's book, he shares the 12 rules of surfing, a passion of his (and mine), and how they can relate to business, as well as life. 

As I read through them this morning, I fell in love with the rules all over again and wanted to share with all of you here. With all of that said, let's jump in...

  1. I will never turn my back on the ocean: Passion
  2. I will paddle around the impact zone: No shortcuts
  3. I will take the drop with commitment: Courage, focus, and determination
  4. I will never fight a riptide: The danger of pride and egotism
  5. I will always paddle back out: Perseverance in the face of challenges
  6. I will watch out for other surfers after a big set: Responsibility
  7. I will know that there will always be another wave: Optimism
  8. I will ride and not paddle into shore: Self-esteem
  9. I will pass on my stoke to a non-surfer: Sharing knowledge and giving back
  10. I will catch a wave every day, even in my mind: Imagination
  11. I will realize that all surfers are joined by one ocean: Empathy
  12. I will honor the sport of kings: Honor and integrity


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About Alex Medick

Dad, Entrepreneur // Building INSIDE